Friday, May 3, 2013

Carpets of Celandines

One consequence of the delayed spring this year is that light has continued to penetrate to the floor of my local woods as the canopy is only just beginning to develop.  Which gives an opportunity for mass flowering in plants that might normally be shaded out. The extra light and recent warmth has given them a chance to show what they can do when conditions are right.  In a week or so there should be sheets of blue from the local bluebells, and groves of white from the ransoms, wild garlic.  But until then the celandines, Ranunculus ficaria, are displaying, carpeting swathes of the woodland floor with their gaudy golden show.

Celandine carpet.  Tokina 12-24mm at 14mm f8

Celandine carpet.  Tokina 12-24mm at 24mm

Celandine carpet.  Tokina 12-24mm at 21mm
All the shots were taken in Cann Wood, near Tamerton Foliot, Plymouth using my Canon 600D and Tokina 12-24mm.  Click the photos for larger versions.

I have the plant in the garden, both as a weed that is impossible to eradicate, and in cultivated forms that I cherish.  At this time of year they are a valuable nectar and pollen source for a wide variety of insects.  And with such a concentration there is no shortage of food for the hungry insects - and their predators.

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